The health industry is essential to human life, as well as animal life, and the prevention as much as the treatment of disease and infection are considered of paramount importance. This industry includes a variety of sectors and its automation needs are numerous. In order to perform and remain constantly competitive on the market, businesses in this industry must certainly rely on components and industrial machines at the cutting edge of technology, on top of relying on the optimization of their technological resources already in place.
Machine vision | Quality control, detection and reading of precise data
Motion Control | Coordination of precise, repetitive or preprogrammed movements
Robotics & cobotics | Robotization of precise or random tasks, autonomous or non-autonomous
Traceability | Identification of medical machines, drugs, pharmaceutical containers and other medical products
Do not hesitate to consult our various achievements in the form of specific case studies to find out what we have achieved for other businesses or to consult the complete list of expertises in order to find the products and other applications at your disposal.